Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Opps....so 5 months has past!!

Hello!! Remember me!?! Sorry we have been so busy lately!! I promise to get you all caught up on Lane, and our summer adventures!! So this post will be more of an update our Lane!!

He will be 11 months on Oct 25th! Where has the year gone! I am in the party planning mode!!
He is about 22 pounds now, and 29 inches tall!! He is looking more and more like a little boy and not so much like a baby anymore! He is trying to walk...I give it a week! He will just let go and walk to whatever he is wanting!! I promise a video soon!!

He has a great vocaburaly! He of course is saying Momma, and Dada..However he has added Bubba(our dog), Baba(his bottle), numnum(bite), Kitty, Gaga(my mom), Nah Nah(no no), Nona(my stepmom), MeMe(JJ's Mom), and Ohoh...

He spent fall break in Hobart/Blair. He was gone from Wed. night until Sunday evening!! Yes Mommy survived, it was hard but I had a lot of my plate(A post about that is coming soon)...He had a blast, he got to see his cousins and play!! I am pretty sure he got whatever he wanted!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

golly that baby is just so dang cute! i told stephen that we needed to babysit soon! i think he thinks i'm getting baby fever now... but it is only so that i can be reminded of the fact that i am only crazy about OTHER people's kids!