Sunday, September 18, 2011

Baby Boy one day, Big Boy the next

Where has the time gone! Sorry I haven't updated on the potty training but things have gotten a little crazy here! Go figure! Well Lane is potty trained it took about a week but we are in undies all the time now! We put a pullup on him at night just in case!! He has does done so well!! When he goes to the potty he ask if we are proud of him!! It's been nice not having to buy diapers or pull ups for the last month!! LOVE IT!! It's hard to believe that my "baby" is going to be 3 in 2 months!! Where has the time gone!! I remember thinking about finally meeting him, then getting to bring him home, then all the first. Now I have a big boy, who is potty trained, who is can recognize number, who can spell his name!! Man it goes by so fast!! So instead of thinking of the past I am going to enjoy the now!! Lane is such a joy(even if he is a monster sometimes) and I am so blessed!!