Sunday, September 18, 2011

Baby Boy one day, Big Boy the next

Where has the time gone! Sorry I haven't updated on the potty training but things have gotten a little crazy here! Go figure! Well Lane is potty trained it took about a week but we are in undies all the time now! We put a pullup on him at night just in case!! He has does done so well!! When he goes to the potty he ask if we are proud of him!! It's been nice not having to buy diapers or pull ups for the last month!! LOVE IT!! It's hard to believe that my "baby" is going to be 3 in 2 months!! Where has the time gone!! I remember thinking about finally meeting him, then getting to bring him home, then all the first. Now I have a big boy, who is potty trained, who is can recognize number, who can spell his name!! Man it goes by so fast!! So instead of thinking of the past I am going to enjoy the now!! Lane is such a joy(even if he is a monster sometimes) and I am so blessed!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 7

We woke up wet this morning, we are going to work on that! We had school today, so I sent him in undies with a pullup over it!! When I picked him up at 2:30, he had no accidents at school!! YAY!! We got home and he said "Mommy, I have to poop!" So we ran to the potty and he pooped in the potty, about 30 mins later he said it again, and he pooped again in the potty! Yay Laner's!! I am so proud of you

Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 6

So Lane woke up completely dry this morning! We did great until about 10 am, he pooped in his undies!! UGGHHHH!! So he got Micky Mouse Clubhouse taken away for the day. He woke up from his nap dry also! Then he pooped in the potty this afternoon! We went out to get something to eat, and get stuff for lunches! He stayed dry! So all in all it was a good day!

Now tomorrow is a school day and I am going to send him in undies with a pull up over them, the same way we do at night!!

Days 3, 4, and 5

Sorry I skipped the updates, we went home to Hobart for the weekend!!

Day 3- Friday
He woke up wet, but we had gone out to eat with my mom and step dad and he got drink a little later than I would have liked! But we had a great day, minus pooping in his undies. We had to drive to Hobart which is a hour and half drive. We stopped in Yukon to get gas and something to eat, we let him go potty there, and got on the road. About a two miles before Hinton he said he had to potty,and we didn't want to pull over on the side of the interstate. Well he was holding it in and he leaked a little. We finally got stopped he peed some, and off we went. We had to stop in Weatherford to pick up Jamie, he peed there. We took off and got just outside of Cordell and he had to pee again. So he peed on his first dirt road! We got to Hobart with a little tiny accident., not to bad in my mind!!

Day 4-Saturday
He woke up DRY!! WTG Laner's! We had to get up and around to go to the family reunion over at the lake! He did so good! No accidents til we went to my grandparents house and he pooped in his undies! UGH!!

Day 5- Sunday
He woke up wet, but yet again he had to much to drink close to bedtime! He did GREAT all day! Playing with all of the cousins, he didn't have any accidents. Got back to my parents house, and he was playing. JJ asked him if he needed to poop, he of course said now. About 5 mins later he said "Daddy I have to pee"..Well he got in there and pooped in the potty!! Yea, Lane!! Then we had to head home. We stopped in Clinton, he went potty. Then stopped in Yukon to blow some time(we were meeting Kazi and Chris for dinner) he went potty. Got to Texas Roadhouse, went potty. Then we were eating and I asked him if he needed to potty, he said no. Well he was holding it in b/c he was talking to Alexus. He leaked a little then too. Got home went potty and he woke up dry this morning!!

All in all not to bad!! Proud of my little man. Now if we could master the pooping in the potty, we would have it made

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 2

So Lane did GREAT last night! He got nothing to drink after 8 last night, he went potty at 8:30 and was in bed by 9! That in it's self is an accomplishment!! He went to bed with undies on with a pull up on over them, so if he had a accident it wasn't all over the bed. He woke up at 730 this morning and he was completely dry!! YIPPPPEEEE!! He had school today, so I had to send him in pullups, he had two accidents but went potty several times!! So we are making progress. Since we have been home(since 3) he has been dry (minus the poopie that he did right when we got home).

We went to dinner with my Mom and Step dad, and we wore big boy undies!! He went potty before we left the house, we we got to Texas Roadhouse, off and on through the dinner, and before we left! He stayed dry the whole time.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Potty Training Chronicles

So I want to go from this

To this

So today, we have been working on it! We have been in undies since 9 am and have had two accidents. Granted it's only noon so I am sure there is more to come! Wish me luck!

AFTERNOON UPDATE: So we have had 2 more accidents! However he has been running around without pants, and he seems to be doing better!! He is napping now so I guess we shall see when we wake up

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


The title says it all!! We are in a massive heat wave! We have had 40 days over 100 degrees! We haven't had a good rain in so long! We are in a major drought! We had hardly any water pressure, you can't really enjoy a pool b/c it feels like bathwater! There appears to be no end in sight!! So when I am kinda of grump this is the reason why! We have been 100 to 110 degrees!

This was last month, after my car had been outside! So this is a little high!

This was today! This is pretty close to what it was!! We actually reached 109.5 today!!!

So when I start griping about having this stuff show me this blog post to remind me that I would rather be snowed in that sweating to no end!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Going by so fast!!

Yes, I realize that it's been a while since I last posted!! Time has gotten away from me! It seems like I was just talking about going on vacation, and now I am wanting to go back on vacation! This summer has flown by! It's crazy, that I had to buy MDO school supplies for Lane. He starts his fall semester Aug 23rd. He is growing up so fast!! I look at him now and see such a big boy!

We are in the potty training stage now!! Lord help me!! Lane is a very stubborn kiddo, and when he decides to not go potty we usually fight all day!! Usually one of us ends up in tears, now which one is always in question! However I think he is getting the hang of it! He is in Hobart right now visiting Nonna and Pops! So we shall see how well he does once he gets home!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

God is Big Enough

We were in Hobart this weekend and were visiting my childhood church! Being there brought back so great memories! That is where I was baptized and married! This was the first time Lane has been to church there, and he did so well! My baby is growing up and before long he will be sitting with friends instead of me!

So anyways on to the sermon! God is Big Enough!! I needed to hear that! I have been feeling a little empty lately(in my relationship with Christ) and I have been carrying stress. I know that the Lord is there to carry me when I can't walk, and all I have to do is ask. But being a Mom, I seem to take it all on and just keep it all inside! Today's sermon was exactly what I needed to hear. No matter the problem God is big enough to handle it all. When you feel like the world is crashing down, just look to the Lord and he is there to pick it all up! With all that we have been through to get in our journey to have Lane, I knew this and put it all in the Lords hands! But for some reason lately I haven't done that!

So if you hear me whining or crying about something, just remind me of this!! God is Big Enough, so let him carry me through the rough water. For he is never leaving me and is always holding my hand.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Conversations with a 2 year old

So Lane and I are in the car lot during the week and during that time we have some great conversations!! However the best one is the one we had yesterday on the way to the Zoo..

Lane: "Mommy, where is Daddy?"
Me: "Daddy had to go to work, so he isn't coming to the Zoo with us"
LT: "I have to go to work too"
Me: "Really! Where do you work?"
LT: "Mommy, I work on computers(pronounced Compooters)"
Me: "Oh, and do you make a lot of money working on computers"
LT: "Yes I make LOTS of money mommy"

I just about died laughing! It's a little sad that he knows what money is!!

Most of the time our conversations are silly, but this time he sounded like a big boy. I had to turn around and make sure that I had the right kid in the backseat. It got me to thinking about how fast the past 2 years has gone, I mean in 2 years he will be starting Pre-K. I can only imagine what our conversations will be like them!! Before to long it will be girls and sports, oh man!! Can't he stay 2 forever! It's a fun age!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I'm Really Mad

I do realize that I skipped days in my picture deal!! Oppss!!! Things kinda of got crazy around here plus I was gone last Wed thru Friday! So I did have the best of intentions but they didn't develop into anything! Oh well!!

Now onto the title of this blog, I'm Really Mad!! Guess who says this and uses it in the right context?!? If you guessed JJ, WRONG but if you guessed Lane you would be right!!

Lane left Mommy and Daddy at home last Sunday to spend spring break with Nonna and Pops(I went down Wed night to spend some time with my family). Well he wasn't eating dinner and Nonna looked at him and said "Lane, you are making me really mad right now" Lane casually looked at her and said "I am really mad too" When I heard this story I thought he was just repeating, which he does a lot of! Not the case this time. When I walked through the door Wed night Lane was super excited to see me, the kid wouldn't leave my side(kinda of made me feel loved). Thursday morning we got up and were getting ready for the day. Lane wanted a popsicle for breakfast and I told him no(yes mean mommy) and he just looked at me and said "I am really mad right now Mommy" My jaw hit the floor that my two year old little boy said this and also said it at the right time. I just walked away.

Well today is Monday and he got into my Stamping Up ink pads (Lane is pink and purple right now). So being the mean Mommy( I really should win the award this year) I told him no Barney for the rest of the day and possibly for the rest of the week. At the time it didn't faze him. Well after Cassie and Ian were picked up, Lane asked if he could watch Barney, I said no and turned to walk away! Lane sits down and says "Mommy I am really mad right now" To which I turned around and said "Lane I am really mad also, look at your arms and hands" He just looked at them and said "Yep, they are pink and purple" and walked off.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 9

Miss Jordyn!! She is such a beautiful little girl and sweet little soul! Jordyn had open heart surgery yesterday at 8 months old!! She had two holes in her heart that they needed to get fixed! She is doing good for the last report I got! So if you could please put her in your prayers that would be great

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 7..

My life is my family!! I love my boys!! The day after I meant JJ I knew I was going to marry him! No joke!! That is a funny story which will be told another day!! JJ is my rock, and without him I wouldn't be complete!! I love you babe!! Then there is Lane!! Without JJ I wouldn't have Lane!! Lane is the light of my life!! The from the first moment I say him on the ultrasound I loved him! I didn't know that the heart could love that much!! He makes our lives complete!! I love you Turkey boy!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 6..

Tonight JJ and I got to have a date night!! We went to the Thunder/Suns game( I am a HUGE Steve Nash fan) and we ate at Coach's!! We had fun! Thank you to Mom and Lonnie for keeping Lane tonight!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 4 and 5

I tried to post yesterday but it wouldn't let me!! So here is Day 4 and 5!!

Day CowPa(aka my stepdad) and Grammie(my mom) have grand plans of Lane being a bull rider some day! At least they can DREAM!! LOL!!

Day 5...We went to IFR a mont or so ago!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Some days and Day 3

Okay so this is my day 3 post along with a blog post!! Enjoy!

I don't know how my boy can go from this sweet loving little boy

to this little devil child

But that is exactly what has happened today! At 9am he had been in timeout 3 times and he didn't get up til 7:30!! I had to pull the car over to get on to him and put his arms back into the straps. He had gotten Barney taken away for the day b/c he was yelling at me, and had to take an early nap b/c he was whining! Wow...what a day!

This is exactly how I am feeling right now!!

Here is to hoping tomorrow is better!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 2

My little monster and one of his best buddies, Caleb!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

30 Days of Pics

Okay, so I have a friend that did 365 days of pics on her blog..there is no way I could do that!! But 30 days I could...I promise to also do blog posted throughout also! Enjoy


Monday, February 28, 2011

"I wanna stay with you"

I hear these words almost every Wed when Lane goes to school. It melts my heart! I just keep thinking that those words won't be said forever and that makes me sad! Time flies by so so fast! It seems like he was just a baby laying on my chest, just starting to walk, or sleeping in his that made him look so small. Now I see this little boy who goes off to school (granted only one day a week right now), sleeping a toddler bed, and playing outside like a big boy. It made me realize that this is what my parents felt and probably still feel each time I leave their houses. I know that without a doubt that I have to let my baby grow up however hearing his little voice say those five little words makes me want to grab him and never let him go. I know that before too long he is going to be saying "Mommy let me go, you are embarrassing me" or "Mom, let me go! It's time for me to go to my house". So for now I will just cherish these words and let go just enough to let him grow!

I know in my heart that I am doing what the Lord has intended but in my Mommy's heart is yelling "NO, just hold him"! No one said it was going to be easy, all you can do is hang on tight and enjoy the ride. There is going to be ups and downs throughout the ride, the ups out weigh bad by far. But know that your job as a Mommy is never over, you just go from Mommy to Mama to Mom to Mother! No matter what he calls you just know that in his heart you are Mommy and that will never change! We have to remember to praise the Lord for all that we have.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Talking Back

So as I sit here in the chair this morning watching Lane "paint" it reminds me to thank the Lord for a healthy son! So friends of our The Corbin's are going through a very trying time right now. They welcomed their son, Cooper, into the world on Friday! We are so excited for them however they are in need of prayers. Cooper is having some breathing problems right now and is having to stay in the hospital without Mommy or Daddy! Tracy got released from the hospital yesterday and last night they had to go home without their newborn son, and I can't even imagine how hard that must have been. So please keep them in your prayers!

Now onto the title of this post "Talking Back"!! I swear Lane is two going on 16!! I don't know which one of us is going to survive this stage! In recent days JJ and I have heard the following: Leave me alone, In a minute, I don't want it, and NO NO NO!! The last one is the one that irritates me the most!! And please imagine the "I don't want it" in a very hick tone! There are days that I miss the sweet boy that didn't talk, but then I would be griping about not being able to understand what he wants!

Here is the conversation I had with Lane this morning:
Me: Lane where is your milk and donuts
Lane: On the floor
Me: You better pick it up before Bubba(the dog) eats your donuts
Lane: No, I don't want to
Me: Fine, you aren't going to get anymore donuts.

A few minutes later

Lane: NO NO NO Bubba..That mine
Me: I told you to pick them up
Lane: Leave me alone Mommy!!

We are so very blessed with this little boy and I can't imagine our lives without him!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Yes I skipped 6!! That is because Lane does that..Yes, he is now counting to 11, saying his ABC's, and amazing us each day!

So back to bragging, which I love to do!! LOL!!! Lane is beginning to recognizes colors now and shapes! He can almost spell his name! However every minute of every day isn't sunshine and rainbows, he is a typical two year old! He is starting to back talk now, I got the "leave me alone" the other day at the dinner table! I was so taken back that my two year old baby just told me that!!

A friend of mine called me the other day and we were talking how much it amazes us what kids pick up on and how they pick up our mannerisms!! For example...Lane will call Daddy, Jason sometimes when he is making him mad or he tells me to "wait a minute" when I tell him to pick up his toys! All of this is stuff that I say on a daily basis!! I watch Lane trying to be like his daddy, and it melts my heart every time! I want him to grow up to be a loving, caring, and sweet boy! I hope that when I look back I can say that I did all I could to help raise a MAN just like his daddy!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow! Snow!! Snow!!!

So this week we had a blizzard hit!! We got 12 inches of snow and we had 4 foot snow drifts! Lane however LOVED IT!! We couldn't keep him inside! Last year he didn't want anything to do with the snow! This year he had a blast!! The only bad thing about being snowed in was I got so bored!! MAJOR cabin fever! We had plans to go see our friend Jessica and Brooks(aka Baby Books) but there was no way that we could make it through the snow covered roads! Maybe next week, however we have another storm moving in next week